Right around this time of year my church holds what they call General Conference. The first conference they hold is for the LADIES! Cause, you know, ladies first! lol This is something that all women from ages 8 and up are encouraged to attend. We listen to our church leaders give guidance pertaining particularly to women of this time! Its pretty fun. I will admit that it’s more fun to attend now that my daughter had been coming with me! Bonding time…
Anyways, as if that wasn’t already enough info for you, I am the Young Women’s President in my congregation. This just means that I am in charge of all activities and lessons for girls ages 12-18. Such a fun point of life! And… They usually enjoy my printable more than the tiny kids. Tomorrow night all the girls and their moms are meeting with us leaders and watching the broadcast of the conference together! To keep everyone focused I created the mini packet below!
This packet is ONE page of paper. It is simple. It is straightforward… And I think the girls and their moms will enjoy having these with some fun colored pencils while they watch.
This is the front and back and middle of the book! The “Quotes about” page is the exact middle. The words shown are values that we often talk about in Young Women. I thought it would be a good idea for the girls to think of them specifically while watching and writing down thoughts about them.
This page seems a little jumbled because it’s not folded… lol but the first and second pages are the ” Questions and Answers” parts! Before we watch we are meeting 30 minutes early to have snacks and talk. I will encourage the women to think of things they have been wondering in their own lives and search for answers during the conference!
To put the mini packets together I printed them front to back. Then I cut the through the middle as shown above. When putting them together just make sure the cover half (Where it says Women’s Conference) and the “Quotes About” half are facing away from each other. When you fold them together “Quotes about” should be directly in the middle.See! Simple. Easy. Yet fun and should help keep focus. I LOVE to take notes during anything! Let me know if this helps you too!